Hi Sometimes l feel things and stuff .

Pouring My Thoughts on here, lets be friends and more!

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Hi there.

Nice to meet you! To be honest, I'm still discovering who I am. Every day, I feel like I evolve, shifting with each new experience and thoughts. One thing that remains constant, though, is my love for certain things—like writing.

Why I Write.

I've been through a lot in life and love. Sometimes, I just need a place to share my thoughts and let it all out. Writing is like therapy for me—an escape where I can find some peace.

A little about me.

I'm a software developer who likes to write poems on the side. My days are filled with coding, solving problems, and all that techy stuff. But when I'm not doing that, I love to dive into writing, reading, and learning new things. Writing is my way of making sense of life, tech, and everything in between.